Isabelle Ryser
Eidg.dipl.KomplementärTherapeutin &
integrative Körperpsychotherapeutin für Coaching/Beratung
Werden Sie gesund durch meine Therapie des
Zusammenfügens von Shiatsu und der integrativen
Körperpsychotherapie im Coaching-Setting,
zwei ergänzende, ganzheitliche Methoden
April 2020
Ms. Ryser is an excellent therapist both for shiatsu and Ibp Coaching as I have been under her care seeing her on almost a weekly/twice per month basis for two years and I wish I had found her earlier. I had a complete stage 4 burnout which meant severe immune system breakdown and I was very sick for a long time with all types of conditions that were leading to auto-immune diseases.
After some medical treatment for my conditions and spending some time in a rehabilitation clinic, it was recommended to me in the clinic that doing some body-work such as Shiatsu would help the healing and recovery for my well-being.
I was fortunate enough to find Ms. Ryser in Liestal and started Shiatsu therapy. In the beginning, I have to be honest it is difficult to see the effects of the sessions, and the worse conditions you have the longer it takes to build the strength in the body. However, I realized that my immune system was stable and I was mentally stronger when I had regular therapy session (weekly) if I missed a couple of sessions, I would have a crisis and would start to deteriorate and I saw the ups and downs in my health until I realize that Shiatsu's benefits have to be consistent and regular to achieve the full benefits for your well being.
Ms. Ryser is excellent and using different tools and therapy treatments depending on what your body needs at the time to support the healing/recovery and well-being. Ms. Ryser has magic hands, she really has a gift beyond what I have experienced with other therapists and is always able to identify the pressure points and find a way to alleviate the stress in the body. One is really in safe hands when taking therapy with Ms. Ryser it just takes persistence, effort to keep to the sessions, and a lot of patience.
In parallel to the Shiatsu, I was also undertaking Ibp coaching with Ms. Ryser, this was an excellent combination as having this combined session to work through a lot of old issues and traumas that are stored in the body was an all-round approach. Over the two years, it has meant being able to manage the ongoing stresses and fall out from burnout, such as health issues, depression as well as practical topics job loss, marriage breakdown, and taking care of children in this situation. With Ms. Ryser, we worked through all these topics and then focused on the future and rebuilding my life on a stronger foundation. Again, depending on the topics it really takes a lot of time to work through all these deep issues but when you come out of them, you have a much healthier and stronger foundation as a person to build a new life for yourself. All of this has been possible with Ms. Ryser's coaching. therapy and support and I will always be grateful to her for helping me in the most difficult period of my life.
Signed, Female client 2018 - 2021 CH/London